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  • Will Basta

From Pandemic Surge To Future Trends In E-Commerce And Digital Products

Will Basta, global philanthropist & executive at Acv Partners combines tech, ecommerce and logistics expertise to drive business change.

As the founder of several successful e-commerce companies serving hundreds of merchants, I've been fortunate enough to have an insider perspective on the explosive growth within the industry.

Retail e-commerce sales accelerated during the pandemic, reaching an estimated $5.8 trillion in 2023. According to Statista, projections indicate continued growth. However, this only scratches the surface of monumental shifts as consumer behavior, technological innovation and online business models continue to evolve.

One particularly disruptive trend is the ascension of exclusively digital product commerce unbounded by logistics constraints. The onset of the internet laid the foundation, but ubiquitous connectivity has now unlocked entire ecosystems for creating, marketing and delivering digital goods.

An e-book ordered on arrives instantly without overseas shipping or supply chain vagaries. Software as a service ensures continual access to apps without owning a physical disk. Creators publish instructional videos that can educate millions simultaneously. Such dynamics have fueled stratospheric market growth.

While the overall pie has grown larger, perhaps more interesting are the new slices representing product categories simply unimaginable just 15 years ago. I believe that several cardinal categories merit discussion:

Key Digital Product Categories


The e-books market worldwide is expected to generate a revenue of $14.61 billion by 2024 with a projection for the market volume to hit $15.33 billion by 2027. However, some point to how Amazon's supremacy and self-publishing options for authors on Kindle Direct Publishing may have engendered market saturation.

But while Amazon has indeed achieved a dominant position in the e-book marketplace, I believe that this saturation presents opportunities as well. There remains untapped potential in underserved niche genres and demographics, and emerging markets around the globe are still in the early stages of e-book adoption.

As reading habits shift from print to digital, the addressable market grows. The future of the industry will likely see new distribution and revenue models. For example, subscription services are already changing consumption behavior for audiobooks and could do the same for e-books. While Amazon dominates today, inevitable innovation will open doors for new players and opportunities.


Revenue from audiobooks is expected to grow 26% annually due to shifting reading preferences. Streaming services like Audible and direct author sales are seizing increasing demand.

For publishers and authors, I recommend prioritizing Audible for its distribution scale and Spotify's Findaway Voices to preserve flexibility across platforms. You can utilize Audible’s in-house narrators who are incentivized by a royalty-share model. Especially when starting, I recommend targeting narrators with proven best-seller performances. You can use built-in analytics to double down on top performers. I also recommend that you consider supplementary audiobooks to flesh out franchises


Encompassing digital media tools for education/training, the e-learning market was worth upwards of $250 billion in 2020. I see platforms like Udemy and LinkedIn Learning as some of the companies advancing this domain.

As this industry continues rapid innovation, a few technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are gaining adoption in corporate and educational content. As costs fall for AR/VR gear, immersive learning experiences may soon redefine digital pedagogy.

Therefore, I believe that content teams should familiarize themselves with some of these leading platforms and technologies. Explore how artificial intelligence and machine learning can enable personalization at scale. By harnessing immersive technologies, intelligent automation and cloud infrastructure, next-generation e-learning promises more interactivity, customization and accessibility than ever.

Stock Media

The stock media market was valued at almost $5 billion in 2022 with growth exploding across software, games, 3D art and NFTs.

Empowering creators means developing online infrastructures for the direct marketing of their digital works. Make sure to research top search terms and competitor listings to inform metadata and tagging. Understand payment models; while royalty-free licensing provides quick upfront payments, exclusive rights can yield higher long-term earnings given significant engagement. Also be sure to maintain a consistent production release cycle to keep your portfolio fresh and discoverable.

Key Platforms And Models

1. App Stores. Hubs like the Apple App and Google Play stores have opened access to billions of mobile users and lucrative gaming options.

2. E-commerce marketplaces. Merchants can leverage platforms like Shopify, Etsy and Amazon to establish an online retail presence. These marketplaces yield profits via listing fees, sales commissions and subscriptions.

3. Social media platforms. TikTok has unlocked opportunities for creators to market specialty digital products and services to an engaged audience of over one billion monthly users.

4. LMS Platforms. Learning management systems like Kajabi and Teachable focus specifically on selling digital education materials and courses. They can provide hosting, payment, community and marketing tools for content creators.

5. NFT platforms. NFT marketplaces like NBA Top Shot were a part of NFT's meteoric growth in 2021 by helping to enable sales of digital artwork, music and collectibles with blockchain proving authenticity.

Emerging Business Models

Beyond conventional purchase models, interwoven digital networks have spawned innovative monetization approaches:

1. Bundled subscription services. Amazon Prime and mobile carrier contracts bundle products/services for recurring revenues while incentivizing consumer trials.

2. In-app purchases. Free apps (e.g., games) rely on optional upgrades and bonus items to generate revenues projected to surpass $270 billion by 2025.

3. Micropayments. Digital wallets like Venmo facilitate seamless value transfers, allowing people to "tip" social media influencers. Cryptocurrencies can also help empower frictionless micropayments.

4. Syndication and licensing. Creators can generate income by permitting their content’s republication across networks and in translated versions.

I believe that such models highlight the internet’s role in seeding inventive monetization structures. Multi-channel distribution can also help creators maximize profits. For example, an author could sell directly via their website, on e-commerce platforms, app stores and LMS sites simultaneously.

The Future Of Digital

As technology progresses and consumer preferences drift online, digital products show no indications of abating. Creators are tirelessly innovating through apps, videos, online academies, augmented reality, NFTs and new modalities yet to be envisioned.

Developing countries are spurring internet adoption and younger demographics increasingly favor access over ownership. Thus despite remarkable growth, I see the digital revolution as still in its early stages.

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